Sansa Clip+ 8 GB not recognised, windows 7


My new Sansa Clip+ 8 GB is not recognised on my windows 7 laptop. 

the message “Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems. (Code 43)” appears when i click on the notification that appears

any suggestions?

Have you tried other USB ports?

Have you tried another cable?

Have tried switching to a different mode? (Settings>System Settings> USB mode > MSC)

Laptop computers sometimes does not suppy enough power to USB devices, you can try to use other computer if all steps above will not work.

ive tried different usb ports, switching betwen MSC and and the other one. , tried installing MTP porting kit and uninstalling and re installing on the device manager as other help sites suggested. And it has now froze saying connected!!! 

please help! :slight_smile:

Hold the power button for about a minute to unfreeze it.

Since you have tried MSC mode already, I guess it’s time to test it  with  another computer.

thankyou for the power tip, thought it was Kapput!

another computer seems the only way…

my computer did recognise it at one point i believe, it came up “removeable disk (G:)” when i clicked on it it said insert disk. so it looks like it want to work…

any other suggestions?


i cant use my dongle and mp3 player at the same time, its either 1 or the other!

thanks for your help 

Good to hear that. :slight_smile:

@miikerman wrote:

And people wonder why my 80-year-old mom just doesn’t want a computer at this point …   Make it as easy to use as a programmable coffee maker, and she’ll get one.

I don’t know . . . some of those new-fangled coffe makers are pretty darn complicated.

How do I get it to stop flashing 12:00? :stuck_out_tongue: