When I first got my clip everything seemed to function normally. However now whenever I try and connect the device to my laptop I get a message saying that the USB Device Not Recognized. On the device itself a message pops up says “Writing” and then “connected” with the arrows flowing between the computer and player icons. After a few seconds it switched to the fading Sandisk logo and then back to saying “connected” and then back the Sandisk logo etc. I have trawled through all the posts to see if I can find a solution but none of them work. Here’s some background:
My System:
OS - Windows XP SP2 with WMP 11 installed.
USB 2.0 ports
The Clip:
Firmware version - V02.01.16F
Model - BE0812BHTK-2GB
Purchased about 4 months ago.
Things I’ve tried:
Plug in whilst on hold and centre button depressed
Setting USB mode on clip to MSC only
Connecting on multiple computers with multiple cables.
Holding on switch for 20 secs
Formatting via on screen menu.
Installing MTP Tools
Connecting on operating systems other than windows (linux variants)
Charging unit from mains to have full power and then all of the above again.
Obviously I can’t update the firmaware as I can’t connect to it!
Windows Device Manager shows it as unknown device - have also tried uninstalling rebooting and then reconnecting without success.
Is there anything else I can try before I return it?