I had posted this as a reply to a message about the clock radio, but now that I think of it I don’t know what attention it will or won’t get there, as the original post was not a question, just information about the clock radio. So I’m putting it here as well with its own subject. I’m really frustrated about this. I’m tempted to just buy a new clock radio and a new Sansa as the simplest solution, and resolve to never do what I describe below again, but I am not made of money, unfortunately…!
Sansa stopped responding to clock radio’s remote and does not play through the clock radio’s speakers.
This is the clock radio:
This happened after I downloaded three mp3’s from Amazon to replace ripped tracks that were bad on the CD’s I ripped. Also ripped a new CD and, in addition to putting its folder on the Sansa, copied one of its tracks into an anthology where that track was bad. All files were renamed to match the names of the ones I was replacing. They were not exactly the same size in any case. One at least was significantly larger than the one I was replacing. Don’t know if this matters to the Sansa or not. Also the only tracks that had been run through Windows Media Player were the tracks from the CD I ripped.
After the initial symptoms, I carefully connected to the computer, disconnected properly, and allowed the Sansa to resync, thinking this might be the source of the problem. After that it worked for a while but ceased to work again later. At one point I saw a message saying something about Rhapsody having to be re-enabled. I have never knowingly *had* Rhapsody enabled - I’ve never put anything on the Sansa, until yesterday, that I had not ripped myself.
I had thought Amazon’s downloads were not copy-protected? (I don’t even know that that’s the source of the problem - it’s just the only thing that’s changed since the Sansa worked.)
I’m assuming (hoping) that I can fix this using some combination of resetting, reformatting, recopying songs (fortunately I have a backup of exactly what’s on the Sansa), but I was hoping someone might be able to shed some light on *why* (!!!) and perhaps suggest a less drastic fix.
I don’t know if it works with earbuds or not at this point - I have to locate them, as I use the Sansa almost entirely on the clock radio. (Edited to add that I found the earbuds and it does work with them.)
Hmmmm… Something else I’ve also never done is copy songs that hadn’t been ripped with Windows Media Player - I just copied the three I downloaded directly to the Sansa without letting WMP recognize them. I don’t think much about details like that, as before yesterday all I had on the Sansa was the CD tracks I’d ripped with WMP.
Any thoughts as to the source of the problem welcome - I’m pretty sure I can fix it OK, I’m just curious as to the source, and especially that fleeting message about Rhapsody.
OK, so far I take it back about being able to fix it. I have tried a hard reset (holding power button 20 seconds). I have tried reformatting and recopying the music over, *after* having WMP recognize it. The only other thing I can think of is updating the firmware, but WHY?? (Since it worked fine with the current firmware until a couple of days ago.)
I even unplugged the clock and took out the backup batteries, in case it was on the clock side instead of the Sansa side. No joy.