Sansa and Timex clock radio no longer play together nicely

Huh.  Did some Googling.  Rhapsody is related to RealPlayer in some way?  I wonder if there’s anything I could do through *that* that might convince it I do not have and never *have* had a subscription to Rhapsody, and that those tracks I bought have nothing to do with Rhapsody…?

*Not* that the tracks from Amazon are on it now - I’m never touching them again…!  I just suspect they are the genesis of the problem…

Say, do you suppose there’s anything I could do through the Rhapsody software to straighten it out?  I’ve never had the software installed, never had a subscription, know nothing about it, but I continue to grasp at straws…

If you have already tried re-installing the firmware and also formatted the device, then all the other junk should have dissappeared and it should not know anything about any subscription music (like from Rhapsody) unless you actually put some back onto it.

Although it is possible that something broke for the dock connection in the player, overall though, since it sounds like the player is working correctly otherwise (when not connected to the Timex) I’d suspect the problem is with the Timex clock radio and not your Sansa player itself.

In all honesty, since the problem only occurs when connecting to the Timex, the very first thing I would have done was to replace the Timex (and not even have bothered trying to fix a problem that was not occuring with the player itself otherwise).

I think you are probably right about that.  I’m just not totally convinced that I totally took the Sansa back to square one, plus there was that fleeting Rhapsody message on the Sansa itself (and I never saw any reason the clock radio should care about Rhapsody - *not* that I ever had any subscription music on the Sansa at all!).  It seems to me the clock radio should be back to square one as well, having been unplugged with its battery out for over an hour, but who knows.  I hate problems that involve multiple items.

I’m currently trying to locate another v2 e280 (which turns out to be difficult) and clock radio.  I’m afraid to  get a new clock radio and plug the old Sansa into it, in case Sansa breaks the new clock radio.  Same for a new Sansa with the old clock radio.  Besides, I have concluded that the e280 is the most perfect mp3 player ever made and I wouldn’t mind having a spare, if I can locate a v2.

Well, I just solved my problem by locating one of the few remaining v2’s and ording it.  Now for the clock radio.

Elvis is in the building!  Great find!  Is it an e280?

Bob  :smileyvery-happy:

Yes, it is, or so I am assured.  One of the last ones on the planet, it seems.

I think I’m going to get the Sansa dock for the old one and hook it up to my stereo.  (This is working on the assumption that the clock radio is the problem - I’ll cross my fingers when I plug the Sansa into it…!)

Thanks again - so much! - for the help.  If I hadn’t asked here, I wouldn’t even have known that I definitely wanted a v2.  And I wouldn’t have updated my firmware…  ;->

Well, I did a dumb-dumb, but what else is new…!  Bought the clock radio for a reasonable price (fortunately - people are starting to list ridiculous prices on both the clock radio and the e280), but *then* I saw this combo - free Sansa!  (Even if it is 2G and refurbished.)  Phooey.  Posting link in case anyone else is interested.

Speaking of cool clock radios, here’s my pride and joy, although in a new incarnation (never could fix the old one -parts issue - still trying - but did get a duplicate).\_thread/thread/29da20771025ae8/4b2260013af5b5cf?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=ge+computeradio#4b2260013af5b5cf

Received my new clock radio and e280, which play together nicely! I am a happy, though poorer, camper.  I really missed hearing a few of my favorite songs at bedtime.

Now I just need to get up my nerve to update the firmware on the e280… (Which I am downloading as I type - I have the best of intentions, though much trepidation.  After all, right now IT WORKS…!  ;-> )

I’m thinking about getting the least expensive e-series I can find to try with the old (possibly insane) clock radio - do the lower-capacity ones have v1 and v2 like the e280?  Darn, I wish I’d ordered that combo I mentioned in my previous post, but I didn’t see it until I’d already ordered just the clock radio.  Ah well, such is life…

 'Course, I *could* try the old Sansa with the new clock radio, and vice versa, but I’m petrified I’d wind up with *two* non-functioning combos instead of one…!

I’m going to put the clock radio in the spare bedroom in any case - it’s a *good* clock radio, even without the Sansa. 

Woo hoo!  I am much poorer, but I have two functioning clock radio/Sansa combinations!

Just received my second v2 refurb (I am now the proud possessor of *three* e280’s…!) and it plays nicely with the original clock radio!  And both the refurbs were pristine - only way you can tell is the “REFURB” on the back.

I’m not terribly unhappy about the outcome (except for the money, of course), because now I have my bedroom unit, I am giving my husband the other unit for his garage (I’m copying music he likes to it as I type), and I have a dock on order to connect the original Sansa to the family room stereo, where I expect to enjoy it a great deal.  When 16G cards get cheap enough, I’m going to get one for the family room unit and get absolutely all the music I own on that one.  I also ordered a couple of spare batteries, because I want my Sansas to last forever.

I still don’t know if the original will *work* with the dock, of course, but I suspect it will.  I think something in the original clock radio got set to reject that particular Sansa and was impossible to reset.  That clock radio has always been a little touchy, even before the falling out with the first Sansa.

The two refurb Sansas are newer firmware than was on the original when I bought it, but not .16a.  And I’m leaving that just the way it is, because it WORKS…!  ;->

Thanks again to everyone for your help - especially for leading me to recognize that what I wanted was a *v2*, and that if I wanted to get one (or two…!) I’d better do it *now*! 

Oops - meant to hit “accepted solution” on the one just above this - hit it without looking, not realizing I’d run this to four pages…!  If a mod notices, could you switch the “accepted solution” designation to that one? 

Message Edited by vncoffman on 06-12-2009 05:12 PM