my micro sd is stuck in write protected mode
when use 4 diffrent adapter and make sure the lock is off but it still in write protected mode
i try to format it and it say “windows is unable to complete the format”
then i dig around on the forum and i found a link to a sdcard formatter so i download it try it and when i say
“The Memeory card is write-protected please realse the write protect switch.”
but it switch is already release so i try it agian with the other adpters i have i get the same thing so i move on the next thing
so when ever i try to add a file it give me
“Error 0x80071AC3: the operation could not be completed because the volume is dirty.please run chkdsk and try agian”
so i ran chkdsk and that gave this
the type of the file system is exFAT.
volume serial number is *********(i dont know if i should gve that or not)
windows is verifying files and folder…
file and foldaer verification is complete.
the volume has been successfully checked,but windows was unable to mark volume as clean.(i think this is the problem)
windows has checked the file system and found no problems.
and then show me the total disk space and how many files,indexes,bad sector,use by the system and availeble on disk
but i think the problem is the dirty volume and i have no clue how to fix that.
if you guys can give me a solution i would be most greatfull
thank you very much