Sandisk External SSD (SDSSDE30) not functioning properly: can’t create, move files, or format


I’m experiencing an issue with my Sandisk External SSD Drive (SDSSDE30). While I can still view the files on the drive, I am unable to create new files, move files, or format the drive. I’ve tested it on both Windows and Ubuntu systems, but the issue persists.

Could you please advise what steps I can take to resolve this? If it turns out that I need to submit the drive for warranty claims, I would like to clean the data first. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your help!

Have you checked our knowledge base articles?
(Get Support for Your SSDs and Flash Products | SanDisk)

Try this these.

Have you opened a Support Case?
If not, contact SanDisk Technical Support for assistance.
(Contact Support | SanDisk)

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Show us a SMART report. This will tell us if the drive’s firmware has locked down the drive as a consequence of bad NAND or some other fault.

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Your SanDisk SSD (SDSSDE30) may be write-protected or have bad sectors. In Windows, open Disk Management to see if the drive is marked Read-Only. If it is, run CHKDSK in Command Prompt (chkdsk X: /f /r /x) to fix possible errors. If the issue persists, use Diskpart to remove write protection (diskpart > list disk > select disk X > attributes disk clear readonly).

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I’ve tried these, but none of them worked.

  1. windows => chkdsk X: /f /r /x
  2. windows => diskpart > list disk > select disk X > attributes disk clear readonly
  3. windows => format: windows was unable to complete the format
  4. linux => format using gparted
  5. linux => sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1M status=progress

And after I opened a support case, they told me it might be write-protected and sometimes cannot be repaired or fixed. It needs to be replaced. :disappointed_relieved:

Then the issue may be a hardware fault, such as a failing controller or firmware lock, that can’t be fixed with software.