I am attempting to load Rockbox onto my fuze v2. I downloaded the Download Installer. I wanted to do automatic install. However, the process came to a quick end. I keep getting the following message:
“Bootloader installation requires you to provide a firmware files of the original firmware (bin file). You need to download this file yourself due to legal reasons. Please browse the Sansa Forus or refer to the manual and the SansaAMS wikipage on how to obtain this file”
One, I am confused about the meaning of “automatic” in “automatic install”. I thought that using the Download Installer meant that I did not have to do any thing manually .
Two, what does it mean original “firmware”. Does that mean I have to uninstall all the updates. I have the last update on my fuze?
It sounds like Rockbox wants to see a copy of the SanDisk firmware file, fuzeA.bin . “Original” is to distinguish it from the Rockbox firmware, not to have the earliest version. That is SanDisk’s copyrighted firmware, so Rockbox would get in trouble if it put the SanDisk firmware in its automatic package. .
You can get the Sansa firmware by finding what version your hardware is (under Info, see if your firmware version begins with 1.x or 2.x) and downloading the All Regions link for your version. Ah, you have a v2. So get the 2.x Firmware
It’s a zip file. Unzip it, take fuzea.bin and drag-and-drop it onto the driveletter that says Sansa Fuze in Windows Explorer (Computer or My Computer). Your Fuze will update again when you disconnect.
Rockbox is really not for people who want everything to be automatic. You have to be willing to change settings, debug things, etc. It’s for computer geeks. There’s a lot of information at www.rockbox.org and they have their own forum. But you are going to have to think about how the software works, and if you don’t want to do that, stick with the original Sansa firmware.
Burp…there is no debugging anything in rockbox…keepout please…install according to directions. The one problem is naming the fuzexx.bin to the right name rockbox expects. Current automatic install knows the right name as of 3.7. Download the ‘all regions’ firmware from the v1 or v2 paragraphs. Pick your model and download the installer and instructions.
Installing rockbox requires reading and following instructions easily reversed. If you can’t cookbook read, please don’t do it to yourself and post here…post in the rockbox forums for rockbox help.
Thank you for your replies, I did manage to install Rockbox after reading your responses and spending a few hours reading the manual at the rockbox forum. I actually have two Fuzes, one I gave to my son. He is more interested in games than music, so I needed to get Rockbox, or an IPOD. I decided to invest my time rather than my money! Having said that, I have to say I am impressed with what Rockbox can do.
Here’s the scoop: The Rockbox installer asks this of me. (I underlined because there is no Indent. Bingo, html.)
Bootloader installation requires you to provide a firmware file of the original firmware (bin file). You need to download this file yourself due to legal reasons. Please browse the Sansa Forums’ or refer to the manual and the SansaAMS wiki page on how to obtain this file.
Press Ok to continue and browse your computer for the firmware file.
What is the original firmware? Isn’t that what is on my system already? Can I copy it from my system?
What would be the other source? What about the “firmware updates” online. Do I need the latest version of the firmware? Of course that wouldnt be “original”. Clarity helps!
Once I have this copy what do I do with it?
I would think the above instructions would tell me. That’s a problem as I see it, a human engineering bug.
I’d appreciate knowing what to do, having clear instructions I can follow without having to improvise.
FYI I am running Ubuntu 10.04, gnome, on my computer. FTW.
(details encountered: your spellcheck does not know Rockbox or v1 – haha)
Bootloader installation requires you to provide a copy of the original Sandisk firmware (bin file). _This firmware file will be patched and then installed to your player along with the rockbox bootloader. _You need to download this file yourself due to legal reasons.
I agree with BR’s suggestion that one’s interpretation of the word “original” is what could be causing the confusion. One could read and infer (and obviously people have) that “original SanDisk firmware” is the firmware version that comes on the player from the factory. This is never posted anywhere (only updates), so it’s easy to understand the frustration of some in trying to find a copy of it.
I would suggest removing the word “original” from the verbage altogether. Instead, maybe it could/should read something along the lines of “The bootloader installation also requires a copy of the SanDisk firmware (lastest or any version). Due to legalities, Rockbox cannot furnish this for you; you must download it . . .”
Check your firmware version in Settings/System Settings/Info–to see if your firmware is 1.xx.xx or 2.xx.xx-- and download the official Sandisk firmware (fuzeA.bin) from:
Check your firmware version in Settings/System Settings/Info–to see if your firmware is 1.xx.xx or 2.xx.xx-- and download the official Sandisk firmware (fuzeA.bin) from:
Check your firmware version in Settings/System Settings/Info–to see if your firmware is 1.xx.xx or 2.xx.xx-- and download the official Sandisk firmware (fuzeA.bin) from:
We did that originally, but Sandisk keeps changing the links. Since we only update rockbox utility every so often, for a while people would get a dead link and freak out. The link on the screen now sends you to the wiki that tells you the exact link.
I have a sansa clipzip which WHEN i put on the screen it shows it can’t find a file
What should I do~?
Umm, did you read #3here? Particuarly the point about giving more details about what you are trying to do and what you have done so people here will fully understand your problem and be able to help?
And btw, tagging onto another 2 year old discussion with dead links is not “starting a new thread”.