So i filed for an RMA a while ago which went smoothly. I recieved my sansa clip yesterday and plugged it into my computer to charge (The screen remained blank when it was plugged in). Im trying to use it and it simply refuses to turn on. I don’t understand how I can ask for a replacement Sansa Clip and recieve a BROKEN clip. It’s really ridiculous but given the current Support status I don’t know what I should do. Any Suggestions?
did you try soft reset to see if it was just frozen? if that does not fix it call their support back and let them know whats going on and i am sure they will take care of you.
buy an ipod
@tomwa wrote:
So i filed for an RMA a while ago which went smoothly. I recieved my sansa clip yesterday and plugged it into my computer to charge (The screen remained blank when it was plugged in). Im trying to use it and it simply refuses to turn on. I don’t understand how I can ask for a replacement Sansa Clip and recieve a BROKEN clip. It’s really ridiculous but given the current Support status I don’t know what I should do. Any Suggestions?
Call Sandisk. I’ve called them a couple of times, recently, and almost immediately got helpful support people.
Perhaps Support is responding more slowly to emailed requests these days, but I don’t think there’s a problem with phone support.
It’s possible that the second Clip may respond to a soft reset. Slide the power switch to the ON position and hold it there for about 20 seconds to give it a chance to reset.
Then see if it powers up normally.
As with any electronic device, Murphy’s Law often comes into play, in fact, more often than actual device failure. If the Sansa does not respond, call Support at 1-866-SanDisk, and they can work with you further. If need be, they can arrange for a replacement unit for you.
Well i went to try a soft reset and it instantly turned on i guess the secret was to leave it in my desk for a day or so? Lol whatever problem magically solved. Thanks for the help guys. :smiley:
@miikerman wrote:
Isn’t it just bizarre? Sometimes just leaving it alone, often connected to a computer, for 1-2 days fixes matters …
My guess is it was actually the soft reset that fixed the problem.
@natureboy wrote:
buy an ipod
Now THAT’S helpful!
Are you the same one that replies, “Buy a Sansa” over on the I-pod forums?