Rinsed, Dried and Working - the incredible Clip +


First time on this forum, so I won’t keep it short :smiley:. On to my story - yesterday I accidently left my Sansa Clip+ in my pants and put it in the washing machine. After a few minutes, I heard a rumbling in in the washing machine, something like a rock dancing about and hitting the walls of the machine. I checked my pants hoping it might be some loose change, but to my shock it was my lovely Clip+ instead. Me and my Clip+ have been inseparable ever since I bought it as a replacement for the ipod touch I lost. Moreover, the ‘Rockboxed’ Clip+ is absolutely pure bliss.

I took the wet device out of the wash and checked for extent of damage. Seemed like nothing happened. Since I knew I wasnt supposed to start it, I resisted the urge with all my strength. I knew ambient temprature was best to dry the player, so I kept in a slightly cool corner where there was a little sunlight. In the evening when I checked, I found that the player looked dry. So I thought I should give it a try. I tried the ‘On’ button and there was no response. Maybe the battery got drained out so I put it for recharge. Thats when I noticed a little moisture on the display. Depair! I did a little research on the Sansa Forums and other places. Based on this, I buried the clip+ in some uncooked rice and left it for 12 hours (I was too impatient to see if it worked).  When I took out the player, it still didnt turn on, so put it on recharge- and voila - the devilish green came up again! Still the player had low battery and I left it to re-charge. I checked after an hour and the Clip+ was as fine a fiddle! I’m listening to it as I’m writing here.

I dont know how long the Clip+ will keep up 'cos I expect some sort of damage as I havent cleaned it inside. But, nevertheless, I’m really impressed. For me Clip+ really is the *best* player on the planet. Thanks to all in the forums, who put up their solutions and experiances. Really worked out for me.

Warm Regards,