Really slow read speeds Sandisk SSD Plus 480GB

I’ve got two Sandisk SSD Plus 480GB drives (one about 4 years old and newer one)

The older one works just fine about 550MB read and 530MB write.

The newer drive is only getting 70MB read and 198MB writes - all tested on differtent PCs and SATA cables. Is the drive broke and needing an RMA?

This is the older drive with good R/W speeds

This is the newer drive with bad R/W speeds.

There are no health or SMART errors from either drive and both have uptodate firmware.

hi, i am getting the same problem. I have the same model but the 120GB version. I am cloning the whole SanDisk SSD to an Samsung NVME. And the transferring speed is constantly 77MB/S. I am using dd (unix command) to clone with 1MB chunks. The SanDisk SSD is below USB-sticks speed its insane