Hi All,
My first problem I can’t figure out on my own. I did a search through old posts using various keywords and couldn’t find this one.
-Sansa Fuze Ver-1…
-Newest firmware as of 12/27/09
-MSC Mode
I buy audio book CD’s then rip them to MP3 so I can listen to them on the Fuze. I put all the MP3’s for the book in one directory, I use Mp3tag to set up track numbers, title, author and such then I drag the folder to the ‘audiobook’ folder on the Fuze.
I start playing the first file and most things work fine. The file plays and I can FF or REW within that file. When that file is over, the Fuze advances to the next file on its own. Bookmarking works fine. When I try to use the ‘forward’ button to skip to the next file though, nothing happens. If I try to use the ‘back’ button to go to the previous file, nothing happens. Very strange.
The button works fine when I’m listening to music MP3’s. I can skip forward or back through the tracks normally. The same is true with podcasts.
I don’t normally skip past audio book tracks but sometimes I will if I’m losing interest in the book and hope to find something more interesting on a following track.
Thanks in advance for any help with this one.