After cleaning system (Windows Vista) I have problems starting the (two) SanDisk USB drives, the U3 Launchpad does not work, testing on other computers have this problem not !
Pop-up screen:
An error has occurred while starting the U3 launchpad due to a problem with one of this components.
Remove and reinsert your U3 smart drie.
If the problem peristis contact the U3 smart drive manufacturer.
I’m not suggesting uninstalling U3, this is not a U3 problem. You said the device works in other machines. Rather uninstalling the Windows drivers installed by Windows to access the drive which were installed the first time you used the SanDisk device in the Vista machine. You remove them via Windows Device Manager.
Sorry I have understood you wrong;
Now my ScanDisk Cruzer USB device removal in Windows Device Manager was installed by CD / DVD drives;
Have replaced the USB stick, Scan Disk Cruzer USB Device is automatically placed under CD / DVD drives;
The problem remained, the U3 is still not working !! ???
After cleaning system (Windows Vista) I have problems starting the (two) ScanDisk USB drives, the U3 Launchpad does not work, testing on other computers have this problem not !
Pop-up screen:
An error has occurred while starting the U3 launchpad due to a problem with one of this components.
Remove and reinsert your U3 smart drie.
If the problem peristis contact the U3 smart drive manufacturer.
After cleaning system (Windows Vista) I have problems starting the (two) ScanDisk USB drives, the U3 Launchpad does not work, testing on other computers have this problem not !
Pop-up screen:
An error has occurred while starting the U3 launchpad due to a problem with one of this components.
Remove and reinsert your U3 smart drie.
If the problem peristis contact the U3 smart drive manufacturer.
Create a new Windows user id. Try using the U3 stick with the new user.
If that doesn’t solve your problem,
Do a reinstall of Vista, and when the install is finished and all Windows Updates reapplied insert the U3 stick, and after the U3 Launchpad runs RIGHT click on the U3 icon on the System Tray and do a Safely eject U3 smart drive, when done and the U3 stick removed backup your Windows Registry. And delete your Registry cleaning app.
I found a solution to this problem on a Windows Vista machine that had been infected with a virus and cleaned.
NOTE: I strongly recommend that you backup all of your critical data first before attempting this fix as it involves modifying the windows registry and that can destroy your computer.
Open Registry Editor
Drill down HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\INIFilemapping
Look for a value called autorun.inf which has a value of “@SYS: DoesNotExist” or “@SYS:Software\Swearware\dump”
Right Click and delete that value
Safely remove the SanDisk and Reinsert and your problem should be solved.