plastic clip in back broken

The plastic clip in the back of my sansa clip + has broken off, which is a major pain. This is the second one this has happened on. Any suggestions for how to conveniently keep it on my person? Thanks!

@miikerman wrote:

_ In the past, the SanDisk store here has sold 3-packs of replacement Clip/Clip+ clips. _  Unfortunately, I don’t see any for sale right now.  You might give customer service a call and inquire–you never know when I spare in a desk drawer might be available.


Otherwise, some people have filed off the plastic from the broken clip and then glued on a clip or other fastener such as from an office supply store.  You can look for posts describing that here and in the Clips forum (just do a search on “broken clip” and the like).

Actually, only the (originial) Clips had removeable (and replaceable) clips that were sold by SanDisk and others (like Amazon and eBay). The Clip+'s do not have a removeable clip and so replacements have never been offered that I have seen.

But as you mention there are several helpful threads on ABI from people who have modded different clipping solutions toi theirs when they broke. Here’s a link to a useful one: