I have a 8G Sansa Fuze that lost all its music recently.
(Not sure if it was because I now use a MAC rather than a PC Windows format.)
Anyway, I been having problems placing songs in my music folder. I put the correct USB mode of MSC and made sure all my music from iTunes was converted to mp3 format, since the Fuze didn’t recognize AAC audio file from Apple.
Now the songs are listed in the music folder, along with a .jpg copy of the album art in each appropriate folder and that I can now see.
When I looked into the 14 songs recently added in the music folder by this one artist, only 5 songs show up on the Fuze and when I click on the recently added tab, the whole player starts to scan through 51 songs and doesn’t start playing till 43 song, which are part of the album I am not seeing in the original artist’s folder.
I think the compiled songs are added to an unknown folder…these are songs that the artist sings with a guest artist. For some reason the tag is off and doesn’t place it in the same album folder as the original artist? Does this make sense?
If I hit the song title in recently added it also scans thru the songs and doesn’t play the one I want??
I am so frustrated and not knowing why this is not working properly??
Can someone please tell me what I need to do to fix this?
Thank you to all who reply. :smiley: