i just bought the sansa clip+, but it´s look like that the on/off switch is not working at all. if i want to activate the player i have to connect it to my computer and the only way to shut it down is over the sleep function!
so i thought maybe a firmware update could help, but the official update software didn´t find any firmware or manual to download - any ideas ?
I tried it with 1s, 2s, 15s (reboot) and 20s. i can not switch it on or if the device is already on i can not switch it off. looks like the button has no effect on player. maybe a new firmware (or an older one) could help, but even if i copy it to the player, i´m not able to reboot the device.
Call Tech Support. It is possible there is actually a hardware issue, if not a software problem. The Clip+ being relatively new has very few firmware versions, so I doubt thats the issue. Tech Support will be better able to help you.
My parents bought my son a 4gb clip+ last week…we added songs to it today and it played perfect for 3 hrs and turned off and nothing I do gets any signs of life out of it. PC doesnt see it and it doesnt do anything when plaugged into USB.
fcbully wrote:
My parents bought my son a 4gb clip+ last week…we added songs to it today and it played perfect for 3 hrs and turned off and nothing I do gets any signs of life out of it. PC doesnt see it and it doesnt do anything when plaugged into USB.
Press and hold the power button for 20 seconds. Then when you let it go wait a couple seconds and try to turn it on. If this yields no results, then use this forums search function to find out how to force it into MSC mode and see if the computer sees it that way.
OK…second time it reset…maybe I counted to fast the first time.
Is there a reason it shut itself down like it did? Shoud I be ready to reset this often?
Great sound from a little tiny thing…sure hope it gets the bugz out…this is his second MP3 player…his Sansa Shake just stopped working after a year…he realy like that one.
OK…second time it reset…maybe I counted to fast the first time.
Is there a reason it shut itself down like it did? Shoud I be ready to reset this often?
Great sound from a little tiny thing…sure hope it gets the bugz out…this is his second MP3 player…his Sansa Shake just stopped working after a year…he realy like that one.
It shouldnt do that so make sure its charged up completely, then with it connected to the pc in msc mode run the Chkdsk utility (Search the board for how to do this) my guess is that you have a file on there that is corrupted.