I don’t know, but my on button isn’t working anymore.
Is anyone else having the same problems?
What should I do-- should I send it to them to have it fixed? They will fix it, right?
Because I was really enjoying this product until the stupid on button stopped working. D8
And I mean not working as in it won’t function. I can charge it and it’ll be on, but it’ll stay on until it runs out of batteries. Can’t turn it off. Better than it being off and not being able to turn it on, I suppose. =/
But still…Yeah. Anyone else w/ the same problems?
((Oh. and even worse. I’ve only had this thing for four days…; ___ ; )).
Message Edited by inkautomaton on 09-22-2009 10:59 PM
They wont “FIX” it… but they will send you a NEW one… If you can take it back to the place you got it tell them its defective and they should replace it… if not contact SanDisk Tech support and they will help you with an RMA which just gets you a new player.
Perhaps your Clip+ is in need of resetting. Try performing a soft reset by pressing and holding the power button for about 15 seconds, release the button, then see if the power switch behaves normally.
It’s possible that you may have a mechanical problem with the switch, if this does not help.
You can contact Support at 1-866-SanDisk (US) for further assistance, including replacement under the one-year warranty.
As you’ve just purchased the Clip+, it’s often easier to exchange the device directly with your retailer (and they can handle the replacement stock with SanDisk), as many retailers have a simple exchange policy too! Either way, you are covered.
Imo the firmware in the player is probably corrupted. You could try reloading the firmware if you find a place to download it from. Perhaps Sandisk might e-mail you a copy if they don’t have the firmware posted on their website.
Both of your solutions would work. I think I’m just going to take it back to the retailers and get a replacement.
Then again I hear all this about batteries becoming easily detached. >.>
And yet my sister has a 8GB Sansa (not a clip) and it’s been the washing machine. it works perfectly fine. Talk about tough build (and weak build concerning the clips+).
Both of your solutions would work. I think I’m just going to take it back to the retailers and get a replacement.
Then again I hear all this about batteries becoming easily detached. >.>
And yet my sister has a 8GB Sansa (not a clip) and it’s been the washing machine. it works perfectly fine. Talk about tough build (and weak build concerning the clips+).
That was only the very early original Rev. 1 Clips many, many moons ago. Not the Rev. 2 or very recently released Clip+. I wouldn’t worry about that issue.
I had the same problem but found a way around this, presuming it’s a mechanical problem of the switch. You might also go to the website and download the latest firmware. Note there is another Forum string where someone actually took it apart and re-attached the limit switch. Also, I agree with your assessment to return it while it is still new. My player stopped working during the extended warrantee program, but the company I bought it from went bankrupt and then reopened, so I couldn’t return it. :(
It’s still broken but I can make it work. To start it just plug it in as if to charge or to add music. The battery will charge, or if it is already charged you can unplug it right away and use it. Go to Settings/Sytem Settings/Power Saver. (three levels) Set the power saver to the lowest number, which is 5 minutes on my model, and then lock it in. When you want to shut it down, play any track and then hit “pause”. Five minutes later the unit will shut down and your battery will not be drained.