When I plug it in, nothing happens. I tried my mother’s laptop, my laptop (in Linux AND windows), and a school computer. The light does not come on and the computer acts as if nothing is attached. 'Tis an eight gb drive that I got from BestBuy.com for 15$ during last years black Friday sale, so its about 8~9 months old. What do now?
Oh, and in windows, in the Device Manager, it does not list a malfunctioning universal serial device.
(One more edit =]) This one: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8281352&st=sandisk+cruzer+8+gb&lp=2&type=product&cp=1&id=1171672069828 but 8 gigs instead of 2. Its the older style one, not the newish type.
Message Edited by deadcereal on 09-03-2009 07:45 AM
Message Edited by deadcereal on 09-03-2009 07:48 AM