Not able to add new music/podcasts


When connecting my SanDisc Clip Sport Go to any computer, it doesn’t give me the option to add or remove files anymore. The Clip Sport Go will appear in the devices list for around 2-3 seconds before it’s name disappears and is replaced with ‘USB device’.

When this happens the Clip Sport Go will change from the ‘transferring’ status to the ‘charging’ status as though it is charging from a wall socket.

This makes it impossible to add or remove anything. The device will charge successfully.

Originally I had assumed there was a problem with my cable but I have tested it on my old Clip Zip and the cable works fine. I’ve tried other cables that work fine transferring data with the Clip Zip and they don’t work on the Clip Sport Go. My worry is that this may be a hardware issue with the USB port on the Clip Sport Go.

Has anyone had this sort of issue before?

Hi @QgGOne ,

Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the SD Technical Support team for best assistance and troubleshooting:

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Restart the music app, like → APP->SETTINGS->APPS=>APP MUSIC and then move to force stop. as well clear caches and again reopen it.
how to fix a divan bed

I don’t use the SanDisc music app at all.

In my experiences with my 6 Clip Sports, always best to use the original micro USB cable that came with the player. This cable has the charging wires AND the data transfer wires. Not all (non SanDisk) micro USB cables have the internal data transfer wires.
NEXT, try different USB ports on your computer, and then USB ports on another computer. Sometimes, a bad cable can cause one USB port to turn off (???)… Good Luck !!!