Need to remove rhapsody

Hello All,

                 I purchased 2 sansa Fuze’s for my boys it came with a free subscription to rhapsody so I tried it, work o.k at first but has now become a HUGE headache.  Can some one PLEASE tell me how to remove it from my fuze? I can’t play any of the songs I downloaded I have a red dot next to the battery I just want it gone. My boys are only 5&7 and teh song I put on there from cd and songs I already had on my pc are plenty right now.


thanks for teh help, MAMABEAR

open op rhapsody connect your player find the fuze in the rhapsody software right click it and selecr deauthorize. then in the fuze menu go to settings system settings format. you will ahve to reload all the songs from your cds.

Thanks so much for the info… I will give it a try and let you know how it worked!


Thank you so much for the help! It wiped it clean and I was able to reload the songs no problem. My boys will be so happy to have there players working again!!!
