My Sansa Clip keeps turning itself back on!

…Anyone else had this problem? I turn the player off and within 30 seconds or so it turns itself back on - keeps doing it untill the battery power runs down.

Can’t find anything in the settings as to why this is happening, nor on google searches, hence my posting here.

So, am I just being thick or can anyone tell me why it keeps happening…

Muchos gracias in advance!

We haven’t heard but maybe one other person mention this so I’d recommnend Calling SnaDisk Tech Support. It could be defective, in which case they’ll replace it with a new one if it’s still within the warranty period (US = 1 year, EU = 2 years).

We haven’t heard but maybe one other person mention this so I’d recommnend Calling SanDisk Tech Support. It could be defective, in which case they’ll replace it with a new one if it’s still within the warranty period (US = 1 year, EU = 2 years).

When the Clip is playing, can you jostle the device and make it turn off?  First, there are two versions of the Clip, the original has the round control and ring light, and the newer version has a square main control, and a microSD port on the side of the player.

The latter device will most likely be covered by warranty, as it’s the most recent.

There are two possibilities, a problem with the power switch, the slider or button, depending upon whether it is a Clip or the newer Clip+. Otherwise, you may have a loose power lead from the battery.

If power is briefly interrupted, the device will start up as soon as power is restored.

Bob  :smileyvery-happy:

…thanks for responses guys - tech support have told me the model os defective but will be replaced as its still within the warrenty - top notch support so far!