my music in forlders


i copyed all the music from my pc to my new clip sports.

at first it looks like every song is it in his folder. 

but after i diconnect it from my pc it make one huge mixing of all the songs and on top of it i have  an unknown folder which contains almost all of my songs.

it is annoying 

is there is any thing to do to keep the songs in there folders ?

pls. advise?


Your songs are physically right where you put them. The Clip Sport (and all other SanDisk players) does not sort or display by folder/file name, but instead by ID3 tag. The fact that most of your songs are showing up in an “Unknown” category tells me the ID3 tags are either missing from the files or cannot be read by the player.


thank u for your replay.

most of my songs are in flac and not MP3?

is there is any FLAC tag editor or any other solotion?

Mp3tag does it all. You can also use Foobar2000, it’s just less comfortable for tagging multiple files.

thank u.

some how i can’t work or i don’t understand how to work with this software…

i downloded her but i cant add any flac song to the list…

i’ll try again