Song files/folders don't appear in finder on mac osx but appear on SD CLIP SPORT PLUS PLAYER

I loaded up my first music files without knowing i would need to ID3 tag them first. Strangely, I can find these files on my player under unknown albums, but I cannot find these files at all in finder. I would like to reorganize them with ID3 tags but how can I do that if I can’t find them in finder? Could they be hidden files?

Hi @rhodiaproduct,

Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the SD Technical Support team for best assistance and troubleshooting:

Maybe take a look inside the various folders (created by the player) inside the main (root) directory. These folders include Audible, Audiobooks, Music, Playlists and Podcasts. Maybe when you used “drag and drop”, your music files accidentally ended up in a folder other than the Music folder?