I have got 16 gigs SanDisk Cruzer. I recently discovered that it works for LED TV , but refused to work with my windows XP machine. I tried all the ports and also tried UN-installing the driver and restarting it, but none of the methods worked here for me.
I would really appriciate , if someone able to offer something meaningfull here.
Also as a back up plan, try reformatting it and play around with the files system, FAT32 or NTFS. See which one will allow it to be played on the computer.
Thanks for your inputs , but the link you shared does not resemble to my problem. I have a isue that my pen drive is not detactabl e by winxp , but at the same time , it runs well on Samsung LED TV.
Are you sure you don’t have any of the listed apps in the linked-to post running on your computer? Any of them can prevent the flash drive from being recognized by your computer, yet prefectly normal on another device, like your TV.