I bought today Micro SDHC 4gb from respectful shop, so I am pretty sure it is not a fake. On the card itself printed number 4 in the circle. So I come to believe I am buying class 4 microSD card. Then I inserted it in my phone and saw that transfer rate doesn’t go above 2.8 MB. I got curious and searched for numbers printed on the back of the package ( sdsdqm-008g-b35 ) to my amusement every single site I found said it should be class 2 card.
So did I got tricked by SanDisk ? Do they counterfeit now their own production ?!
@grandarcher wrote:
I bought today Micro SDHC 4gb from respectful shop, so I am pretty sure it is not a fake. On the card itself printed number 4 in the circle. So I come to believe I am buying class 4 microSD card. Then I inserted it in my phone and saw that transfer rate doesn’t go above 2.8 MB. I got curious and searched for numbers printed on the back of the package ( sdsdqm-008g-b35 ) to my amusement every single site I found said it should be class 2 card.
So did I got tricked by SanDisk ? Do they counterfeit now their own production ?!
What did you use to get the write speed result? Was it H2testw ?
What I noticed from running my own tests is that the write speed is slower when I have the card in a device. So the result may depend on the device and you’ll get what I consider an inaccurate result. If you use a card reader, or if your computer has a slot for a card, I suggest that you run the test again and see if the results are within specs for a class 4 card. Also, a more accurate write speed result is gotten when there are no files on the card.
If it’s still below 4 mb/s, the card may just be defective and not a fake since you’ve purchased the card from a reputable store.
@mags1230 wrote:
What did you use to get the write speed result? Was it H2testw ?
What I noticed from running my own tests is that the write speed is slower when I have the card in a device. So the result may depend on the device and you’ll get what I consider an inaccurate result. If you use a card reader, or if your computer has a slot for a card, I suggest that you run the test again and see if the results are within specs for a class 4 card. Also, a more accurate write speed result is gotten when there are no files on the card.
If it’s still below 4 mb/s, the card may just be defective and not a fake since you’ve purchased the card from a reputable store.
I used H2testw too. I do realize that writing speed might be limited by my phone capabilities (though I researched forums and non had complains about that). But I am more intrigued by the symbols on package - sdsdqm-008g-b35.
Google shows that this model has to be class 2
and class 4 should include “m” at the end , sdsdqm-008g-b35 m
Something definitely isn’t right here !
@grandarcher wrote:
I used H2testw too. I do realize that writing speed might be limited by my phone capabilities (though I researched forums and non had complains about that). But I am more intrigued by the symbols on package - sdsdqm-008g-b35.
Google shows that this model has to be class 2
and class 4 should include “m” at the end , sdsdqm-008g-b35 m
Something definitely isn’t right here !
Yes, I can see that that can be a cause for concern. Apparently, Sandisk has been making changes to some of their cards’ class speeds in recent months. And not all the packaging nor online pictures and information has been updated to reflect that. If you look through some of the threads in this board, you will find several threads that discuss this.
It could well be that old packaging was used so the item number does not include the “m”.
In my opinion, as long as the card was bought from a reputable seller, the H2testw results are good, and the card is registered with Sandisk and covered under their warranty, I truly would not be concerned with the part number. But that’s my opinion. As added assurance, Tech Support can be contacted to verify the authenticity of the card.
I am also experiencing the exact same Issue as you. I also purchased a Sandisk Mobile MicroSDHC 8 GB Class 4 Memory Card on 03/05/2011 from a Reputed Mobile Shop. I was looking for a Class 4 Card and the Card also has 4 with a circle around it printed on the Card. The Product Code of the Card is SDSDQM-008G-B35N. Even i searched on the Internet & this Product Code leads to a Class 2 Card. I tested the Speeds with H2testw v1.4. I am getting a Write Speed in between 3.5 - 4 MBps & Read Speed of ~7.5 MBps. I tested it the Card inside my Mobile & with some data already present on the Card. I have sent a Query to Sandisk Support as well. Waiitng for their Response.
sandisk bumped the class on their standard cards from class 2 to class 4. it is likely that they still have some old packaging that is being used up and thats why some packaging still has the class 2 logo. also this bump just recently happened so pictures on the net will probably show class 2 for quite some time.
as for testing the speed. i would not suggest using a mobile phone as a reader. mobile devices generally have low speed readers and will affect your results. you should get a dedicated card reader and test the cards. h2testw or ATTO benchmark are some good free tools. I prefer ATTO for benchmarking since it is faster and you can chnge the test settings.
This is a review on Amazon U.S. from BlueProton, a U.S. Sandisk authorized reseller, on the class speed changes that Sandisk has been making. It’s for the 32gb card, but it looks like changes are being made to other cards as well. It mentions that the same product number/UPC code for the old class speed card is also used for the updated class speed card.
After 6 months of the last answer by Sandisk Guru, I found that the front page of the SDHC 16 (SDSDQ-016G-A11M) shows a picture with the class 4 simbol, but when I go to Sandisk online store to buy it, it shows a picture with the class 2 symbol. On top of this discrepancy, neither page says what class the memory card belongs to. I start looking at this trying to clarify th e doubts I have after looking into Newegg.com products (authorized dealer), but seems that is Sandisk who is responsible (at least partially) for this confusion.
If you are planning to buy a cheaper memory card than buy a SanDisk 8GB Class 4 microSDHC Memory Card (SDSDQM-008G-B35) just for RS. 215.00 from amazon .com .Just order online and save rs 328 on eaahcard. yiu can easily order and enjoy free shipping at
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Bumping a 3 year-old thread with a link to buy from a seller in Mumbai through Amazon? Smells like shilling to me.