Lost Files after upgrade to RunSanDiskSecureAccess_Win.exe

Upon opening “the vault” today, it prompted me to upgrade to a newer version of RunSanDiskSecureAccess_Win.exe; I of course updated, and since I have been unable to get my files from the drive.

Scandisk cruzer 4gb  (SDZ36-004G)

Windows 7 professional 64bit

RunSanDiskSecureAccess_Win.exe ver 1.1.19755.0

I can open the vault and view my files, but if i try to copy the files to my local hd or another drive, the program freezes up and windows stops the task automatically.  

I generally don’t have issues with flash drives and in the past have always been confident in storing data here without fear of losing it; but it appears that i may have lost several significant files.

Any ideas on resolution or a way to extract encrypted fiels would be appreciated.

If you would check the free space, does it looks like that the files are still there? I would consider a rollback here if it’s an option.

Any ideas on resolution or a way to extract encrypted fiels would be appreciated.”

I recommend contacting SanDisk technical support and see what they say.  It is possible your machine’s AV prevented some of the files from updating or the download was corrupted.