Loading songs on player in genre folders??

I just recently purchased a clip, after having an iriver IFP-700 for a few years. One thing about the iriver, I could place seperate folders named by me, Rap, R&B, EDM, ect…and then place songs in the folders. So when searching through the player for a song, I could simply select the genre folder I made and then find the song in there.

I see that the clip has a genre section, but I can’t seem to find those folders on the device when I connect it to the computer to place the songs I want on the device in. I tried making my own folders under the “music” folder, and then loading the songs on there, but it doesn’t seem to work well that way. It just finds them all.

Please tell me the players doesn’t sort the songs in the genre section by ID tag, and that I’m going to have to tag all my MP3’s in order for them to get sorted correctly.

Well…after a bit of a search…it seems that this is impossible to do. That is a HUGE selling point for me and I’ll probably be returning the player tomorrow.

Ok, here’s what I need, something that can tag the files, in the genre section with whatever I specify. So, since I have my back end organized, I’ll just open up the “Rap” folder, and then select all the files in that folder, and use whatever program to add the info to the ID3 tag based on what I specify. I see “The Godfather” tagging program is used to change the actual file name based on tags, is that correct? Can I do it the other way around? And create tags based on file name?

ScottieBoysName:  Can I do it the other way around? And create tags based on file name?

I know that MP3tag can do that - I’m using it and have done that. It often gets recommended, as does The Godfather (I would think that it can do it too)

One problem I’m having is this:

Say the file name is this:

Dr. Dre - The Chronic - 02 - **bleep** Wit’ Dre. Day

and I do it where it goes <a> - <t>

The what it does is name them all as the artist as Dr. Dre, but the track title will be The Chronic, instead of the last part. SOME of my mp3’s are named this way, when I have the whole album. If I just have specific Dr. Dre tracks off of another album and I don’t have the whole album, such as Dr. Dre - Xplosive, then it works fine.

The problem occurs when I try and format them all together.

See what I’m saying? Any program smart enough to recognize the difference?

OR if I have a song with Ne-Yo - WhateverSomeSong

it will split the <a> - <t> at Ne and Yo instead of the actual artist and track.

See what I mean?

Soooooooooooo, no help if the artist is Jay-Z and it keeps wanting to say the artist is Jay and Z is the track title? No way around that, I have to do it manually?

Yeah, the only way I’ve learned to do anything in it is by trying it out. I wish there was some tutorial for it.

Something I just found


I wish there was something that explained how I can avoid having Jay-Z split into Jay and Z when doing Artist - Title. I was thinking of using mp3tag and seeing if I could get that to work.

I figured it out in mp3tag, you basically just put a space in the arguments after the “-” and space before. So instead of artist - title it is artist- title. That keeps the artist name tight together in that part of the argument.