To anyone who has purchased a Sansa Connect over Christmas as I did for my wife. A few words of advice.
The Quick start guide refers to a cd (this has been replaced by online guide) I looked for 10 minutes thinking
perhaps I had lost it. The clear protector on the screen stated not to hook up the Sansa until software was loaded?
This is odd since their is no softwarei ncluded. Anyway from the forum figured out the requirements and how to get
Very easy if you have XP SP2 or Vista. Next I wanted to save a video ( this is where I found very little help)
I googled Sansa Connect media Converter (got links to several converters) most of which do’nt work.
The Sansa Connect instruction screen in the video section told me to go to Sansa Home page and down
load the converter. Hmmm so I go to site look look and look again for a Converter program. I continued on
to find the program was listed as a driver (very confusing and hidden) Also when I found the Converter The
Connect was not listed as a model/choice. So I discovered that the converters were the same for all models
in the list. I took a chance downloaded the media converter and its worked great?
The folks at Sansa have built a great product I love it so far. The geeks who write the documentation deserve
a piece of coal for Christmas for the lack of information, hidden programs calling them drivers. I hope this helps
To the Sansa folks include a cd with the unit. List all software available on your home page… This would
make this so much more user friendly