I love my new sansa clip+, small, practical and very good sound. I use it for my footing in association with a Koss Sportapro. But, i have just a little problem. When i copy my songs in the MUSIK repository from my PC to my Clip+, i class my music in my preference choice. And when i listen my music on my clip+ all the songs are in a random order. And i can’t impose my order ! If someone can help me. Nota: Random fonction is desactivated (sorry for my bad english, i am french).
Hy, thank’s you for your response. I am confuse, but i have found a solution. The fisrt time i used my clip+, i used the menu “read all”, and then all the songs are read in a specific order imposed by the clip+. But, when i used the “reader list” i can control and organize the order of the songs.
I used this list this morning and it’s ok. Thank’s you again for your help