i added music and its all over the place, i need help asap!

okay i added a bunch of music on my fuze and its not just in the songs folder where it should be, its under recently added and in another folder, i deleted a lot of music to see if it would go back to normal but it didnt work. i want to have everything under songs so i dont have to go anywhere else … PLEASEEEE HELP ME!

Please don’t write “… PLEASEEEE HELP ME!” It doesn’t garner you any more attention and just sounds childish. :wink:

You are seeing your songs on your Fuze in ‘Lists’ populated by the ID3 tags embedded in the music files themselves. They are not ‘Folders’.

There are several Lists (Artists, Albums, Songs, Genres, Recently Added, etc.) that can aid you in finding what you want to listen too. Maybe a browse through the User’s Manualwould be advised so as to familiarize yourself with the way this device works.

Not included in the manual however is a recent feature added via a firmware update that may be of interest to you . . . ‘Folder Mode’. You’ll find this if you scroll to the bottom of the main Music menu. With this, you can navigate your music by folders/files instead of tags just as you do on your computer. You should be able to locate them in the same ‘folders’ you put them in.

Please don’t write “… PLEASEEEE HELP ME!” It doesn’t garner you any more attention and just sounds childish. :wink:

You are seeing your songs on your Fuze in ‘Lists’ populated by the ID3 tags embedded in the music files themselves. They are not ‘Folders’.

There are several Lists (Artists, Albums, Songs, Genres, Recently Added, etc.) that can aid you in finding what you want to listen to. Maybe a browse through the User’s Manual would be advised so as to familiarize yourself with the way this device works.

Not included in the manual however is a recent feature added via a firmware update that may be of interest to you . . . ‘Folder Mode’. You’ll find this if you scroll to the bottom of the main Music menu. With this, you can navigate your music by folders/files instead of tags just as you do on your computer. You should be able to locate them in the same ‘folders’ you put them in.

Please don’t write “… PLEASEEEE HELP ME!” It doesn’t garner you any more attention and just sounds childish. :wink:

You are seeing your songs on your Fuze in ‘Lists’ populated by the ID3 tags embedded in the music files themselves. They are not ‘Folders’.

There are several Lists (Artists, Albums, Songs, Genres, Recently Added, etc.) that can aid you in finding what you want to listen to. Maybe a browse through the User’s Manual would be advised so as to familiarize yourself with the way this device works.

There is a recent feature added via a firmware update that may be of interest to you . . . ‘Folder Mode’. You’ll find this if you scroll to the bottom of the main Music menu. With this, you can navigate your music by folders/files instead of tags just as you do on your computer. You should be able to locate them in the same ‘folders’ you put them in.

Just to elaborate a little on what Tapeworm says, every song should show up under Songs, Artist (inside album folders), Album (inside folders), etc. Recently Added will change depending on how “recently added” the music is. 

That’s all information the Fuze finds in the mp3 file. Just like when you go to a library, you can find the book in the card catalog by Author, Title, Subject. The book is still in the same place. You just have different ways to locate it.