I’ve noticed that there seems to be two different “folders” if that’s what they are on my sansa. When I add music to it I’m adding it to the “Music” folder but when I play the music in the player is shows up in the “Recently Added Music” folder and not just the default “Music” folder!
Why are there two folders for my music, the “Music” main one and the “Recently Added Music” folder where my newest additions get shuffled to?? When I remove music from my sansa via windows computer I see that the songs in the “Music” folder are untouched but I can only remove songs from the “Recently Added Music” folder. Why is this and how can I make my sansa just a have ONE FOLDER where I can add/delete songs from??
I was thinking of reformating the sansa and installing new firmware, maybe that would do it?
They are not folders. They are indexes of information gathered from the ID3 tags in your .mp3 files. Think of ID3 as the label information for an mp3 file: Artist, Album, Song Title, Track Number. The Fuze reads that information and slices and dices it so you can find a song all those ways–your Recently Added tracks also show up in the lists of Artist, Album, etc. Eventually, when your Recently Added tracks aren’t so recent, they’ll just be under Music.
If you have a recent version of the firmware, scroll down to the end of the list under Music and you’ll see Folders, which displays the folders within Music the way you have added them. Otherwise update the firmware to get Folders.
Can I just remove that function and have it play whatever I add to it without shuffling the songs around?? I mean just drag songs to my sansa and play without worrying about the Music music and the Recently Added Music music… I just want one centralized holding for all my music. I understand sansa is trying to be helpful but I find the feature terribly annoying.
I don’t understand why you think you need to shuffle songs around. The songs stay put. They’re all in whatever folder you put them in. If you want to find them as they looked on your computer, use Folders.
What you’re looking at is an index that can point to the same song in the same place from a lot of different categories. All your Recently Added is also in Artists, Albums, Songs, Genres.
The idea is that it finds them according to lots of different criteria. You want to play an album, look under Albums for the title. You want to see what you have by a particular artist, look under Artist. It’s not moving songs. It’s just an index pointing to the songs.
But no, you can’t remove that function. That’s how virtually every mp3 player works.
I never use Recently Added–or Genre, for that matter. I look by Artist, or by Album if it’s a compilation album. But if I wanted to play every Norwegian Death Metal track (by Genre), I could. Or if I wanted every song with a title that starts with Santa, I could, under Songs.
If you want to do it by Folders, just update your software if you haven’t already, and scroll down and use Folders all the time. You just have to move your thumb a tiny bit more.
@n88tr wrote:
Can I just remove that function and have it play whatever I add to it without shuffling the songs around?? I mean just drag songs to my sansa and play without worrying about the Music music and the Recently Added Music music… I just want one centralized holding for all my music. I understand sansa is trying to be helpful but I find the feature terribly annoying.
Is your firmware updated to the most recent (x.x.28)? As long as your firmware is up to version x.x.26, you’ll have folder navigation–that was the version when folder nav was added to the fuze.
Then just put your player into msc mode—in your fuze, go to system settings>usb mode>msc—and your computer will see the fuze as a flash drive and you can just drag-and-drop all your music into the music folder. Where it’ll stay put and be centralized as you want.
As Black-Rectangle stated, all that’s in the recently added list are just indexes, much like icon shortcuts on a computer’s desktop. They’re not duplicates of the song files.