How to use clip with usb in car


when turn off my car and I don’t disconnect the clip+ immediately from the usb-port, the display stays black when i want to turn it on again.

I reset it then by pressing the power button 15 second. After that I can restart it by pressing the power button again.

I use the original usb port from the car no aftermarket device.

This is not a car issue. Already chkd on that.

You should turn the player off before you turn the car off.

Thx. I’ll try.

But it doesn’t make very much sense first to turn off the player and then the car.  The idea is to keep it connected and I just turn it on when needed.

Sounds like the player is running out of power.  Does your usb port provide power to the player even when the car is turned off? 

The player is definitely loading. Will format the clip and reinstall firmware maybe this helps.