Probably a dumb question, but I did look for the answer…
I’ve got a 2GB Clip+ (8GB MicroSD added on) and I have about 900 songs on the card. I use mp3tag to tag Artist, Title and Album (keeping Year, Track, Genre and Comment Blank). I set the album for every single one as ‘mp3’ because I don’t really care to have it broken down by albums, just artist and title.
Listing by Artist works fine, but if I scroll down the list and pick, say, Aerosmith, it will show me that I have 13 songs by them. However they’re not in alphabetical order…all the way. Some are, and then some aren’t. It looks like this:
Last Child
Mama Kin
No More No More
One Way Street
Same Old Song and Dance
Shut Up and Dance
Sweet Emotion
Train Kept Rollin’
Walk This Way
Back In the Saddle
Dream On
It appears to throw a couple of the earlier ones at the bottom (12 and 13) when they should be numbers 1 and 2. I’ve noticed that it’s like this with other artists too. How can I get the tracks by each artist in correct alphabetical order?
Do any of your titles have the track number at the beginning? If so, you will probably have to edit these out and/or use leading zeros (01, 02, 03, etc.) in MP3Tag.
It’s the strangest thing…no spaces in front of the titles, nor are there any numbers. I used mp3tag to eliminate every single tag except artist, title and album. It’s like that for about every artist…sometimes it will start at G and go through Z and then start over again and put more songs.
I was thinking i might have something to do with the creation/modification date…like if I had put a certain number of songs on at one point in time and then a few months later put another batch in there. I hope not though, because that would mean every time I’d add new tracks they would be out of order. I am going to try copying everthing out of that folder and then back in to see what happens.
Another thing to check is the tag version. Sansas work best with ID3v2.3 ISO 8859-1. MP3Tag lets you set which version it writes, so check there and resave the tags if you change the setting.
(I don’t know that different tag versions will cause the problem you’re experiencing, but it can’t hurt to update your tags to what the player likes best.)
Well…I got it to work. Here’s what I did (and my files were tagged with the ones you guys suggested - thanks):
on my MicroSD card, the songs were in the my_music folder. It had a bunch of directories by default. I took them out of there and then deleted all the directories on the card. When I plugged the card back in, it gave me a MUSIC folder, which had AUDIOBOOKS and PODCASTS underneath it. I put all the songs in the MUSIC folder and after it refreshed, it now works properly. Man I love the Clip+.
BTW, I also moved my podcasts and audiobooks to the card as well. The clip itself is empty but it has 217MB taken up…is that how much space the firmware occupies?