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English is not my Native language, so excuse grammatical and spelling errors.
Values used in this guide is my own preference and not a necessarity, this is just a guide to show the Difference and result, using my own Values.
Introduction: After using my e250 for 3 years with the Rockbox firmware it broke. The thing that broke was that I could only get sound to the left earplug which proved to be the headjack on the e250 that was broke. Anyways, I got a Sansa Fuze in Christmas present and I quite like it so far. Except one thing, which I’m going to bring up in this post. This thing is the bass management, or bass in general.
Although the Media Player is great, the sound is lacking compared to Rockbox. So on to the real thing.
The Equalizer: The Equalize consist of 5 “Bands” that you can change up and down, increasing or decreasing the column of certain Frequency areas of the output. The Equalizer may look something like this:
As you see, the lowest band is pretty High, which is the bass one. So basically I just increased the volume of that band, but there’s a problem. If we take a closer look.
This is the Frequency’s the Bands are set to. This is only EXAMPLE Values, I’m not saying these are the correct ones, although I’m pretty sure that the lowest one is correct (Which we focus on anyway).
Since the Bands have fixed values, to smoothen up the differences the values fades into eachother. Like this:
In my personal preferences I want the deepest bass to be highest, slowly getting lower and lower into the 1k, and then up to 16k. But with the EQ in the firmware were unable to do so. As you see, I added the value “60” into the EQ, which is normally where the Deep bass is. And that’s the one I want highest.
The Solution:
So how can we make the 60 value have a higher volume than the 100?
Basically. We think the opposite. This is really all about thinking OUTSIDE of the box.
So what happens if we flip the EQ upside down?
While it may look cluttered and wrong (Which it is) I want you to take a look at the region between 0 - 100 Hz, as you see the 60 Hz now have a higher volume than the 100 one. Which lead us in the right direction. But we want the rest of the EQ to be proportional to what it was before.
Now the 60 Hz is higher than the 100 Hz, and the other bands are equal to what they were before in allignment to the lowest EQ.
Simply turn up the Master volume now since it will be lower due to lowering all the bands.
Now, this won’t be as good as if we could simply turn up the lower Frequency’s like we can on Rockbox, but it’s better than nothing. And good enought in my opinion. Some may experience a Difference and some wont. But also remember that your Earplug/speaker Equipment has it’s limitations too.
You may have to experiment a bit with the Values of the bands to find what suits you best, this was just Example values that was used (The ones I have on my Fuze).
Hope this was to any help, Thank you.
Did it work? Anything to add/correct? Any feedback is appriceated
Message Edited by Chrisse on 12-25-2009 07:32 AM
Message Edited by Chrisse on 12-25-2009 09:42 AM
Message Edited by Chrisse on 12-25-2009 03:11 PM