I know this sounds horribly stupid to most of you! I am new to computers and mp3.
I got several songs on my Clip- but I want to put them in 2 different playlist- 1 for ‘peppy exercise’ and 1 for quiet ‘relaxing’ time. I use Media Player, IE, winxp.
I THINK I need to:
Media Player on computer
Plug Clip into computer
Somehow- take songs off of mp3 and put them in a playlist on Media Player- but I don’t know how.
Here is the Sandisk web page. It gives you video’s on how to do the playlists. It is the only way that I learned on how to do it. Scroll down the page and you can click on the link to see the video on doing playlists using wmp 10 or 11. Good luck!
styxblue- Thanks for the site- unfortunately I don’t know what a w10-11 is, and I don’t see anything- also there isn’'t anything for sansa clip- just other mp3’s.
I don’t know what you mean by video. There are links there and you need to click on it and it will bring up windows media player and play a video explaining how to make a playlist using window media player (wmp) version 10 or 11, which ever one you are using. When you go to that site I gave you in my previous post, you will see the following which is under the heading - “using wmp to creat playlists”. If you have windows xp click on it (in red) or vista if you are using that. — 7) Adding a playlist to your Sansa MP3 player in MTP mode using Windows Media Player 11 (Windows XP | Vista)
Just click windows xp or vista in the above post I gave you. Click windows xp if that is what you have or vist if that is what you have. It will open the video and just follow the instructions.