If you want to follow my way then listen to me, and don’t use others’ method to doubt me.
2nd- Misunderstanding area — You have to create playlist on you computer before you actually transfer any music files into you Sansa Clip, don’t try to make a playlist after you have transfered the music files to Sansa Clip
3rd- disconnect your clip with computer, and set it to MTP mode for later use, ( use MSC mode will not work)
4th- Following the video to make your personal playlist (no doubt, it works for my Chinese character as well)
5th- While Connecting your Sansa Clip with you computer if your screen display windows can Sync music to you Sansa Clip automatically, reject it (because windows will simply transferr all the music file found in your computer to your Sansa Clip.)
6th- Now you should have a correct playlist as you want in your Clip
In MTP mode, Windows Media Player, or Windows Explorer, both treat the Sansa as a media device.
Playlists can be generated using WiMP, or by right clicking on a track in WIndows Explorer, and selecting Playlist. It’s then a simple matter of drag and drop into this open playlist. Windows will generate the .pla format list automatically.
MSC mode is a bit different, as you build .m3u format lists.
The automatic synchronization is simple to deal with in WiMP, once you understand what it’s trying to do. You must click on the Stop Sync button in the lower right once it “goes to town” on your device. This is counterintuitive, but once you set up the device, WiMP will clean up the mess automatically, and it will pull the transfers back off from your device.
At the bottom of the Sync tab, there’s a settings button. Select the Sansa > Set Up Sync. A two-column list of “what to sync” will pop up. This list is arranged backwards, and requires individually clicking on each item in the list on the right to select and delete them. You want to remove the inherently goofy ones, like “tv shows from last year” and the big ones: “all music”, “all photos”, and “all video”.
From this point, click that Sync button one last time at the lower right. WiMP will pick up all the mess it made, all on its own. Now, you’ll have control.
“Playlists can be generated using WiMP, or by right clicking on a track in WIndows Explorer, and selecting Playlist. It’s then a simple matter of drag and drop into this open playlist. Windows will generate the .pla format list automatically.”
When I right-click on a track in Windows Explorer, there is no option for selecting playlist. There’s an option to Play, Open, Open With, Send To, etc. but nothing about selecting a playlist. I’m using Windows XP. Can you explain a little further?
Even Xp should have the option of ADD To Windows Media Player List option, but If you open up WMP then right click on a Track you can add it to now playing, or you can create a playlist and edit in list pane, and then right click and add to list.
chiligates, thanks - I read your step-by-step instructions carefully, then viewed the Sansa/WMP video again, and lo and behold, I did successfully transfer a playlist, FINALLY. Two key points I think were important here: 1- setting the USB mode to MTP, 2 - creating the playlist and saving it PRIOR to hooking up the Clip.
I’m a little confused on how to download the selected playlist.
I thought I downloaded the Christmas themed playlist and I ended up getting two unrelated album and couple of songs along with the selected playlist on my Clip
The automatic synchronization is simple to deal with in WiMP, once you understand what it’s trying to do. You must click on the Stop Sync button in the lower right once it “goes to town” on your device. This is counterintuitive, but once you set up the device, WiMP will clean up the mess automatically, and it will pull the transfers back off from your device.
At the bottom of the Sync tab, there’s a settings button. Select the Sansa > Set Up Sync. A two-column list of “what to sync” will pop up. This list is arranged backwards, and requires individually clicking on each item in the list on the right to select and delete them. You want to remove the inherently goofy ones, like “tv shows from last year” and the big ones: “all music”, “all photos”, and “all video”.
From this point, click that Sync button one last time at the lower right. WiMP will pick up all the mess it made, all on its own. Now, you’ll have control.
Bob :smileyvery-happy:
what version of WMP have the option for manual synchronization? I have WMP 11–would it work?
If you haven’t set up the device to synchronize automatically, when first plugged in, WiMP11 will ask if you’d like to set up the device.
To stay fully manual, simply click “cancel” on this pop up screen.
I recommend setting only one primary computer to synchronize automatically with the Sansa. For any other computers, simply “cancel” and make your transfers manually.
This way, you won’t have any conflicts with the primary WiMP configuration information stored on your Sansa, in the root directory.
If you’ve already set up the device to synchronize automatically, and wish to stop that, simply plug in the device, click on teh Sync Tab, and click on the bar at the bottom of the tab, selecting settings. Then select “end partnership”. Now, you’re back to manual control only. Take files from your library, dragging and dropping them to the Sync List on the right.
Pressing Start Sync will now only affect the desired transfers.