I had the EXACT same problem and I too am using a MacBook. It seems there is alot of information on this board, but you have to dig as it is not all in one place. Here is my story and what I did:
My daughter rec’d a Clip for Christmas. I started to charge it using the USB connection on my MacBook. After a little while (don’t know how long) I saw that it was partially charged. I opened the Sansa icon on my desktop and successfully dragged some music into the Clip’s music folder. I ejected the Sansa icon from the desktop and unplugged it from the USB on my computer.
I listened to most of the music and it came over okay.
The next morning, my daughter wanted me to continue charging the Clip. So, I plugged the USB connection into my MacBook and walked away. A little while later, I noticed the SanDisk logo was frozen on the Clip’s screen and there was a error message on my computer screen…something about properly removing the device!!
Then, my Clip was completely frozen. I couldn’t do anything because the SanDisk logo appeared and nothing else. I tried plugging it back into the MacBook, but my computer was not even recognizing it! (I kept thinking, did I plug it in right away?) I couldn’t do the “reset” thing that everyone on here said to do. All I could do was turn it on and stare at the words “SanDisk”. I took it back to the store to exchange it.
So, now I’m on my 2nd Clip. I plugged it back into my MacBook to start charging. Within one hour, I received another ERROR and I noticed the SanDisk logo was frozen on the Clip’s screen and there was a error message on my computer screen…something about properly removing the device. AGAIN! Same as earlier.
After researching it a little bit (I had more time) I was able to fix it . So far so good, but I will definetly keep a backup of all the songs on my computer! Here’s what I did:
On the frozen Clip, move (to lock) the left slider to the Hold position.
Press the center circle and hold it while you plug the USB cord into the laptop and into the Clip.
This should get your MacBook to now recognize the device.
Go into your Disk Utility function (HD -> Applications -> Utilities -> Disk Utility) and click on the Sandisk icon.
Click on the Erase tab…this is going to erase/reformat everything!
Pick the MS-DOS File System (FAT 16) as the format.
Pick Erase again if necessary.
After its reformatted (takes a second), eject it properly and try to power the clip back up. You should be able to get past the frozen Sandisk logo.
Plug it back into the MacBook and it should start to charge again and you should be fine now and copy files again, etc.
What a pain! So I hope it doesn’t happen again!
I hope this helps!
good luck and post back here if you are still having problems!