
Help…I’ve downloaded audio book/books to computer, it shows up on comupter in directory of sandisk (dragged it there) under audio books, but it’s nowhere to be found on the sandisk.   Looked at eleventy hundred websites to find an answer, and can find nothing…

The sandisk clipzip is small enough that I can crush it in my hand.  However, I’m willing to give it a couple of more chances.

Thank you so much for any help.


Thanks for your time.

Under Music I go to Folders, and see Internal Memory and External Card.  Internal gives me Play all, MTP and Music.  External is empty. Neither MTP nor Music gives anything -‘play all’ gives songs. 

I downloaded stories from library site - says onto MP3.

What to do??

Thanks again.

Hi - I called Audible, and it looks like I hadn’t set up an account using my amazon info.  He talked me thru, and there was the book!  

Thanks again for your time.


Thank you again.

I am trying to download an audio book from public library, but audible won’t accept it…is there another way to get it onto the sandisk?     Even though Audible told me that their manager is free and that I wouldn’t have to pay for anything downloaded from a site ther than Audible, looks like that might not be true.    Whadaya think?  Too cynical?  I know the only way they make money is from using their material.

Just called the library and per instructions downloaded the software needed to download the book.  Just now trying to figure out how to get the book…

Tells me not enough room - but i have 2.5 gig.

Now…says oneclick has downloaded the book - but I have no idea where it is…

Hope this isn’t a pain for you…