Ok so today a friend gave me a Sansa /express, so i could charge it on my pc, i came home connected it and waited for it to be recognized but it didnt, so i went to device manager and it said there was an unknown usb device but it could not be installed, i checked the sansa and it was super burning hot, i disconnected it, and tried again but now it dosent even turn on or gets recognized as a usb device?Wtf happened, did it burn inside?what should i do?Thanks for the help
Anyways, super burning hot should not be a problem since silcone is made to withstand high temperatures (I mean you can leave it in your car and it’ll still work, BUT TRY NOT TO DO IT).
Xp Service pack 2, it brand new which adds even more frustration if it wouldnt work on the fisrt day, it could turn on before i tried plugging it into the pc, but after that it dosent even turn on, i dont know if its because it ran out of battery or if its busted.
It didnt work, so i think thats it . its busted because when i connect it to the pc, it dosent recognize it any more, like it did before it got really hot.
SKyL thanks for all the help, i have good nnews, after trying and trying it finally works i just connected it and it works, now to charge and put music in it, thanks again for the help.