Hello, I just baough the Sansa “Fuze” and I think it’s really great and I love it. I just had a general question though. I was wandering if there eas anyway to stop the music not just pause it? if this is possible if anyone could tell me how that would be great.
Thank you for your attention in this matter,
This is the way digital players are going. Since there’s no tape or pinch roller to worry about, pause and stop are the same thing. The manufacturers are trying to keep confusion to a minimum, as the player will resume on the same music file when play is pressed.
Otherwise, all you have to do is select the next file to play.
Bob :smileyvery-happy:
“The manufacturers are trying to keep confusion to a minimum,”
From all the posts I’ve seen on this subject, I’d say they’re failing.
Ah, a little Fuze anarchy!!
The Play > and Pause || logos are pretty well known these days. If SanDisk were to put a Stop logo on the button, I’ll bet we’d hear complaints of “Hey! It only paused, the song is still loaded!”
If you want real confusion, how about the combination power / play / pause button on the Zune? Great stuff!
As an old friend used to always tell me, “ah, I’m over it!”
Happy Fuzeing!!
Bob :smileyvery-happy: