When listening to my songs from the genre folder, I’d rather view the songs by title instead of artist. Can I change this?
Did you ever find a solution? I too when searching by genre would rather then view the songs not the albums. I teach dance and I don’t like having to go into each album to play a song and see if it suitable or eliminate based on what songs are there that I recognize by name. If I knew what was on the album, I would not be searching by genre anyway.
Choose the genre you want, then choose play all, then click the button at 6 oclock and choose back to song list. That will give you the list of all songs in that genre.
Message Edited by JK98 on 02-09-2010 01:01 AM
You could always create Playlists based on Genre using this: http://forums.sandisk.com/sansa/board/message?board.id=sansafuse&message.id=37701&query.id=44221#M37701
This would give you a complete list of songs in a genre.
Message Edited by diesel on 02-08-2010 09:47 AM
JK98 thank you! That is just what I need. A little extra work to get there but not too bad.
I like the idea of having songs in multiple genre’s. Before getting my first mp3 I never knew that it couldn’t be done- just assumed it could. Glad that someone has made a way for it to work. I’ll have to try your program as soon as I get time.
Message Edited by Raye on 02-16-2010 06:48 PM