Also, I just checked the account info on the Fuze, and it says to connect to computer within nine days. Usually, when I need to connect it soon, the little circle in the corner will turn yellow or orange.
Right now it is still green, like everything is good, but shouldn’t it be yellow?
If you have a sudden problem with MTP mode, something has gone awry with Windows Media Player, as this application has the drivers and protocols for MTP.
First, on your Sansa, manually select MTP mode by going to Settings > System Settings > USB Mode > MTP.
Plug in your Device.
Right Click on My Computer and select Manage. Click on the Device Manager button.
As it is in MTP mode, the Sansa should be showing up under Portable Device.
Double click on this, and then on the Sansa. If you wish, you can also right click and select Uninstall. Otherwise, double click again, select the Driver tab, then Uninstall.
Painless, huh? You did it! Now unplug the Sansa, reboot the PC, and plug in again. Windows should reinstall the correct driver for you.