Transferring Music, Playlists, Photos and Videos is all fine and understood. But please, how exactly does one download .cda audio tracks from an audio CD (language lessons, i.e., speech) to the MP3 Sansa Fuse player? Can anyone help?
Use a more reasonable bitrate for spoken word files, such a 32 kbps. I don’t see any need to use more than 32 kbps for spoken word files, as the difference in sound quality will be negligable.
The problem appears to be with the .cda files of the speech CD. Windows Media Player apparently does not recognize this file type as a media file. While the PC screen shows the copy/paste procedure as finished OK, the files themselves cannot be found on the Fuze MP3. What am I doing wrong? Also, would they have to be loaded into the MUSIC part of the MP3?
The problem may be that WiMP cannot locate the “album info” from the online database.
As a CD is “ripped” to mp3, WiMP adds “tags” or metadata to the tracks, identifying them. When you see the list in WiMP, are they all there before transfer to the Fuze?
On the Fuze’s side of the equation, we cannot identify these tracks the same way that WiMP does: the Fuze uses the ID3 tags embedded in the mp3 files to identify and sort the tracks.
The Fuze wants a specific flavor of ID3 tag: ID3v2.3 ISO 8859-1.
Though this sounds like a complicated bunch of information, it’s simple to fix, so that your Fuze will “see” your speech files. Download and install MP3Tag , a free application, and set it to convert or “write” your tags in the above format from the list.
Once the tags are correct, you should be in business!
The problem appears to be with the .cda files of the speech CD. Windows Media Player apparently does not recognize this file type as a media file. While the PC screen shows the copy/paste procedure as finished OK, the files themselves cannot be found on the Fuze MP3. What am I doing wrong? Also, would they have to be loaded into the MUSIC part of the MP3?
Thanks again!
You cannot simply copy & paste the .cda files from your CD’s to either your hard drive or your Fuze. They (the CD’s) have to be ‘ripped’ (recorded) into a different format; one that is readable by the Fuze (.mp3 or .wma). Windows Media Player should play these (.cda) files with no problem. After all, that is what it’s designed to do, isn’t it? WMP will also rip them into either format and you can choose the bit-rate that they are converted into.
As suggested by JK98 , don’t waste your valuable real estate space on your Fuze with higher bit-rates that you need for music. The human voice is limited to a very narrow frequency range, so recording quality is not an issue here.
All the ‘rip’ settings are in the Tools > Options > Rip Music menu. I’d suggest .mp3, but if you want to rip in .wma, be sure to un-check the ‘Enable Copy Protection’ option. This will if checked, add DRM (Digital Rights Mess) to the files and cause migranes for both you & your Sansa down the road.