Formatting Trouble also Deleting files Trouble.

Hello Everyone…


I am the proud owner of Sandisk E250 MP4 player and i havnt used it for like 2 weeks now due to this strange problem.



I have tried Reset All option from the User manual i also kept it turned off by draining its battery completly and did everything known to my knowledge and still no luck and finally found my way here and i am sure you guys can help me out on this silly yet annoying trouble i been facing.


Ok when i connect it to my PC i can sync and but cant FORMAT it and when i try to Add music to my sandisk it says this strange things. Below are two pics of my error message .


Screet Shots:



also when i open Music Folder it shows a new MUSIC folder again and when i open it , it again opens up with a new MUSIC folder again and again.


Like this :



Also here is the folders Screen shot :


I guess i am expressing my problem in details and if you need more details of any sort please let me know and remember i havnt used my MP4 for almost a month now i miss my music while sleeping :frowning:

Kindly reply to my trouble as soon as  possible.




try switching to MSC mode by going to

  1. Settings on your mp3 player
  2. Select ‘USB Mode’
  3. then choose MSC mode.
    plug it back to the computer. it will now be detected as a removable drive.
    right click on it then select ‘format’.
    i believe you know what to do next.

There are some threads floating around, but this might work in your case. You can try your recovery mode, and then manually formatting it by using the steps located in this thread Here

Message Edited by Peter_Griffin on 08-04-2007 03:59 PM

oh guys i love you all… such a quick help and that USB setting worked i formatted it and listening to my music once again.

Lovely forum and people .

thanks is so less for your help

Regards ,