Will the clip+ connect usb and play songs using SYNC in a future firmware download? The SanDisk Sansa Clip 01.01.29A says it would connect via USB to the tucks SYNC player. My dad just bought a Ford F150 (2010) and my sister went out and bought him the clip+ so he can talk to it in the truck. It was a early birthday present. All of our mp3 players including a archos av400 did not want to work with the USB input voice command. I was wondering if MSC has to be turned on or something for this to be plugged in usb port to charge while using it in the truck.
Typically, the music files will only be accessible if loaded in MSC mode. USB compatibility on most car radios is rudimentary, so there are limitations on folder access as well; sometimes, the music files can be found in the music folder, and other radios want the files in the root directory.
The car radio is most often looking for a simple USB flash drive.