Forcing MSC Mode on a V1

Is there any way to force MSC mode on a e260 V1?

Also, I would appreciate it if someone could point me to the headphone jack repair thread.  I can’t seem to find it.


There’s new info at the end, I’d recommend reading all of it, and don’t forget to add more to help some Sansa users out!  :wink:

Oh and you have to change MSC mode in the menu. I don’t know how to “force it” besides recovery or manufacturing mode. You could TRY the “force” that the v2 Uses, but I don’t remember what that is right now…

Message Edited by AutobahnSHO on 06-04-2009 07:05 PM

Thanks Autobahn.  I did a lot of searching and never could come up with it.

It appears there is no way to force the MSC mode on a V 1 other than a chip swap.

I’m getting a couple of broken e260’s from e-Bay and am going to try to fix them and give them to my wife’s school. The headphone fix will probably not be necessary as I’m hoping it will work in a docking station which I will get them.

The other e260 has the 6MB space problem.

Message Edited by Gecko10 on 06-05-2009 03:32 AM

Oops, never mind. See below. 

This forces it to connect to the computer in MSC mode.

Put your player into MSC mode:

  1. Set the ‘hold’ switch on. (the “lock” switch on top of the player)
  2. Hold down the left arrow button. (actually I think any button will work)
  3. While continuing to hold down the left arrow button, plug the USB cable into your computer.

Message Edited by c1u31355 on 06-06-2009 09:58 AM

Thanks Mark.  Re MSC mode that is my understanding as well, eg the chip swap.