can't switch to MSC mode for new install


I crashed my e260. My computer can’t find it if I connect it. Than I started to install Rockbox on my e260. I always get the message: It is in MTP mode. Change in MSC mode to install. But if I press and hold the rewind-Button - the hold button shows orange - nothing happens.

Is there any other way to fix it?

Greetings, Ingo 

bolshi wrote:


I crashed my e260. My computer can’t find it if I connect it. Than I started to install Rockbox on my e260. I always get the message: It is in MTP mode. Change in MSC mode to install. But if I press and hold the rewind-Button - the hold button shows orange - nothing happens.


Is there any other way to fix it?


Greetings, Ingo 

Start with the player off & disconnected from the computer when you do this (but leave the cable plugged into the computer). Now when you press & hold the REW |<< button, plug the Sansa cable into the bottom of the player. Continue holding the button down until the player comes to life and is recognized as a ’ Device with Removeable Storage’ in Windows Explorer (It helps to already have Explorer open on your computer at the time). Now you can release the button & give your finger a rest. :stuck_out_tongue:

You should see 2 new drives, each with their own drive letter designation. The 1st will be the player; the 2nd will be the SD card slot. This happens whether there’s a card inserted or not.

But . . . you should really deal with the connection issue with your computer before you go installing Rockbox. It won’t solve that problem. It’s an additional firmware to the original, not a replacement.