I recently cleaned over 600+ plus songs from my player to make room for new music. I downloaded several songs from different sources (as per usual) (as I use my Fuze for music and nothing else) and changed their original download names into something I woud recognize. When placed on the device, the file names will appear in cryllic, half recognized japanese, or a series of numbers.
AND the songs newly added to the Fuze don’t appear at the top of the Recently Added music as they should (Up until I deleted just about everything off the player)
My computer does recognize the 4gb Fuze, I WAS recently using a 2gb miniSD but the recent downsizing rendered it needless until I run out of space.
… I think that’s everything… What should I do!!! Its very bothersome and I would LOVE feedback! Please help!
Just guessing, but did you change the FILE names of the new music?
I believe you’ll find that the displayed song info comes from the MP3 tags inside the files.
You can change those if you’d like… there are MP3 tag editors available, I have been using
a program called “MP3tag”, oddly enough. 
You can also add album art using that same program.
Have fun,
@mollywobbles wrote:
I downloaded several songs from different sources (as per usual) (as I use my Fuze for music and nothing else) and changed their original download names into something I woud recognize. When placed on the device, the file names will appear in cryllic, half recognized japanese, or a series of numbers.
As mentioned, the Fuze reads the ID3 tags, not the file names (unless you use Folder mode in the Music menu). My guess is that your tags are not the format that Sansa players recognize ( ID3v2.3 ISO08859-1 ).That’s why you’re seing the odd characters.
MP3TAG can make short work of correcting the tags; you can do it ‘en masse’, a folder at a time. Just change the Write settings (in Tools) to the format above.
Thanks you two, your input was very helpful!