I have approx 12 songs downloaded onto Windows Media Player 10 and when I try and download them onto my Clip, it accepted 2 of the songs and the other songs won’t download. I get an error message. The error message reads…A problem has occurred in obtaining the devices certificate. Contact Microsoft product support.
Do I really have to contact MS support or have some of you ran across this problem and know how to resolve this.
Thank you for replying and trying to help, but I did purchase these tunes and licenses to go with them because I have already put them on a different brand MP3 player and worked without a problem, but when it comes to downloading them to this one, it doesn’t work. I’ve even tried restoring and backing up the licenses.
I appreciate the idea, have any more? Could it be, you’re only allowed to download them once? But if that was the case, why would 2 of the 12 download again?