Hi, I have E250v2 and when I plug it to the computer, it charges but no connect. PC can’t sees it (tried win xp and wmp10, win xp and wmp11 and ubuntu jaunty). I have firmware version 03.01.11F.
What can I do?
Hi, I have E250v2 and when I plug it to the computer, it charges but no connect. PC can’t sees it (tried win xp and wmp10, win xp and wmp11 and ubuntu jaunty). I have firmware version 03.01.11F.
What can I do?
I have tried cable with another sansa, it works.
I think my problem is not hw issue, only fw has some bug.
I tried forcing mass storage mode with l<< button, but didn’t work too.
Do you have the unit OFF when you force MSC?
Yes, I do. I turn off the player, then lock it, then press and hold l<< button, then put the cable into player (it is always in my pc) and it normally switch on.
Well, it’s possible that you are just not getting a data connection. Different pins in the plug transfer power and data. The power pins are a little tiny bit longer. If you have tried another cable, then the plug in the unit itself might be damaged.
Check in and see if anyone else has a solution, but I don’t know what else to suggest.
ay caramba :smileyvery-happy:
player shows me connected, but if i try “lsusb” and “dmesg”, here isn’t anything… I think the cable makes fun from me.
Why don’t you stick to Windows for the moment. Do you get a connection with XP?
'cause my primary OS is linux. When I unplugg cable from sansa, it ends showing Connected. With xp no, that happend only once when I try it in linux. I charged my sansa and plugged in microSD card, it shows Update database (text when upgrade music database, I have CZ language and that is my translate) and then shows Connected. I don’t know what happend, but it was only once…
Message Edited by LivArt on 09-08-2009 10:08 PM
Soo, I bought another cable from ebay, but no luck.
and, it synchronizes date and time… Soo wtf…