I just found out that you can downgrade your sansa by any version you want. Also it’s perfectly safe. I does not cause any harm unless you do it right. It not that hard. Here are Links to the older Sansa Fuze Firmware Version 1.01.11:
For AMERICAS - Click here to download
For EUROPE w/o FM - Click here to download
For EUROPE w/ FM - Click here to download
For PACIFIC Region - Click here to download
Just Download the files and save it to your computer and then extract the file to your Sansa Folder. But First go on your sansa Setting then click system setting then click USB mode. Then you click on MSC. Now you can plug the Sansa to your computer and extract the file to your Sansa Folder. Do not put it in additional folder. Only the main folder. Then When its done then unplug your sansa and it will say upgrade in progress. It will be downgrading for like less than 15 seconds. Then it will turn off. Then you turn it back on then you will see Blue Sansa Text showing up.